Individual Adult Therapy

The unheard screams

Where do you turn when you’ve hit a wall in your life? Your life looks good on the outside. Your social media profile can prove it. But you’re screaming on the inside.

You feel like a ball of yarn ready to unravel. You’re sick of holding it all together, pretending that everything is fine!

You don’t have it all together. And it’s okay. Nobody really does anyway. The paradox is that telling the truth is the first step toward living more authentically. This leads to finding more workability and deeper satisfaction in our lives.

Therapy can help

Although friends and family can certainly lend a listening ear, therapy is entirely your space and time to talk about whatever you want without filtering your words, thoughts or feelings. You can be real and just focus on you – and you alone.

You can share how you feel, get to the bottom of your issues, and troubleshoot any of your problems, without having to carry the burdens of anyone else. This kind of safe space allows for healing and long-lasting positive change to occur.

What we really want

We want to not only look good on the outside, but really feel at peace and centered on the inside. We want to be able to balance all the pieces of our life without feeling drained, frustrated or resentful.

We want to feel emotionally stable (rather than anxious, stressed or out of control) amidst the monkey wrenches that life (spouse, kids, finances, work, school, friends, etc.) throws at us!

We want to feel like we are living purposeful lives and making our unique contribution in the world. We want to feel we are sustaining healthy and nurturing relationships with those that matter in our lives.

Imagine for a moment.

Imagine that you feel truly peaceful, balanced, whole and complete independent of your life circumstances.

Imagine feeling filled on the inside and knowing you are moving in the direction of your life purpose.

Imagine feeling you are whole and complete, worthy of love and acceptance just as you are.

Imagine prioritizing and nurturing your needs and joys daily and feeling good about it.

Imagine feeling clarity within yourself by unraveling negative behavior and thought patterns in your life.

Imagine feeling a lightness and freedom from having the courage to identify and address root causes of your pain.

Imagine your own self-talk reflects positivity, kindness and empathy.

Imagine having a safe space to debrief about the big and small things that you find a struggle in your life.

Imagine feeling empowered and satisfied in your personal relationships.

Imagine a space where you can feel safe letting down your guard and telling the truth about how things are really going in your life – without pretending?

You don’t have to imagine – We can help.

Through therapy or meditation – or a combination of both – We can help you grow into what now you are just imagining. A new YOU. A new life.

You are literally a phone call away from the help you need. Call me at (805) 305-4543 or email me. Today. Let’s set up your (free) 15-minute phone consultation.